Evolution of the Future Lawyer | From the Atelier

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Evolution of the Future Lawyer | From the Atelier

Evolution of the Future Lawyer

From The Atelier

Razie Alfiedan was commissioned for this piece. He wrote in after he saw my call out for artists on LinkedIn. I am glad he did. Razie is versatile, thoughtful, generous, and easy to work with. You can check out his porfolio here. I like his easy simple style. Razie received acclaim several years ago when he put a painting for sale of the dramatic rescue of a boy during the earthquake on Mount Kinabalu in 2015.

I liked how he based the evolution of the lawyer piece on the classic evolution of the homo sapien but did his take on it. Each stage of the lawyer’s evolution is reflected in our tool of producing documents. And that evolution is interrupted by a door into the unknown. The art above only shows the first two-thirds of the artwork. You need to go to the original article to see the remaining one-third.

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