A Legal Aid Defence Experts Panel
The ‘YBGK’, stands for Yayasan Bantuan Guaman Kebangsaan. It provides free legal assistance and advice for those charged with an offence and lack the means to retain a lawyer.
The ‘YBGK’, stands for Yayasan Bantuan Guaman Kebangsaan. It provides free legal assistance and advice for those charged with an offence and lack the means to retain a lawyer.
In mid-1997, after starting the Certificate of Legal Practice (CLP) course at the University of Malaya, I ran up against one of my earliest frustrations with the criminal legal procedure in Malaysia: the prima facie stage of a criminal trial.
These days, cases in court are managed bureaucratically. There is a process that must be followed regardless of the nature or circumstances of an application. That process is often implemented without nuance, consideration, or interest.
A situation where we have the freedom to do whatever we please without consequences exists only in fantasy, not reality.
When litigators talk about ‘costs’ they mean court awarded costs, not lawyer’s legal fees. In sum, legal fees are what you pay your lawyer to conduct your case, court costs are what you pay your opponent when you lose your application, claim or appeal.
‘3(1) Islam is the religion of the Federation; but other religions may be practised in peace and harmony in any part of the Federation.’
During advocacy trainings, at some point, I inevitably deliver my short speech to the trainee lawyers about how a judge doesn’t only evaluate the merits of our arguments and case but also our credibility and competence or the lack of it.
Pro bono publico in Latin means for the public good. It refers to legal work done without payment for those who cannot afford it.