Personal Experiences

Rethinking the Written, Oral Submissions and Approach to Hearings

These days, cases in court are managed bureaucratically. There is a process that must be followed regardless of the nature or circumstances of an application.

The Price of Pro Bono

Pro bono publico in Latin means for the public good. It refers to legal work done without payment for those who cannot afford it.

‘How do you get work?’ II

This is an inescapable, inevitable question that lawyers are confronted with. For many of us, including me, this getting work thing is a deep, impenetrable

What is not grist for the legal marketing mill?

I am from an era and upbringing where we do not publicly praise ourselves.

Organic Growth

Healthy growth is organic growth. Organic growth is growth that happens naturally. Growth that takes the time it needs. As it was meant to. As

Why are some senior lawyers so nasty?

This question tends to arise when I listen to interns, pupils or young lawyers.

You Don’t Have to be Judge to Give a Fair Hearing

Even though they say they want advice and guidance, I know what they are really there for: to be taken seriously, heard and understood.

A Tang of Qi Wen

One of the big reasons I write week in and week out, aside from erecting weekly creative challenges for myself to overcome, is because it

When my education began

It wasn’t until I was permitted and encouraged to think for myself that my education truly began. So, my formal education actually began in college