From the Bar Stool

Tales, Thoughts, Teachings and Touts from a Malaysian Lawyer

Tales, Thoughts,
Teachings and Touts
of a Malaysian Lawyer

Life, law, Malaysian legal practice,
death, and everything in between.

Life, law, Malaysian legal practice, death, and everything in between.

The blog’s name, From the Bar Stool, is a nod to my profession’s society – the bar; the stool is a metaphor for being relaxed and casual; and when put together – bar stool, it is a metaphor for casual soliloquies, for me anyway.

The opinions and views expressed in the postings and essays on this website are mine. They do not represent the position of the Bar Council or anybody else.

From courtrooms to life lessons
into your mailbox.

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It’s completely free – I am keeping things straightforward to avoid any legal bills!

From the Blog

Most Recent Pieces

‘How do you get work?’ II

This is an inescapable, inevitable question that lawyers are confronted with. For many of us, including me, this getting work thing is a deep, impenetrable mystery.

What is not grist for the legal marketing mill?

I am from an era and upbringing where we do not publicly praise ourselves.

The Paradox of Cruelty and Kindness

‘Sometimes to be kind we have to be cruel, and sometimes it is cruel to be kind.’

From the Atelier

Commissioned Art-icles

Getting in Touch

Let’s Talk

I can be reached via the following contact details.



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