Other Stuff

Article 3(1) of the Federal Constitution from 3 Dimensions

‘3(1) Islam is the religion of the Federation; but other religions may be practised in peace and harmony in any part of the Federation.’

The Price of Pro Bono

Pro bono publico in Latin means for the public good. It refers to legal work done without payment for those who cannot afford it.

The Paradox of Cruelty and Kindness

‘Sometimes to be kind we have to be cruel, and sometimes it is cruel to be kind.’

Organic Growth

Healthy growth is organic growth. Organic growth is growth that happens naturally. Growth that takes the time it needs. As it was meant to. As

Why are some senior lawyers so nasty?

This question tends to arise when I listen to interns, pupils or young lawyers.

Behavioural Science Insights and Legal Practice

As a litigator, I have to advocate. To advocate well, I have to be persuasive, and to be persuasive, I need to understand how people

Seeing What Happens

The truth is nobody knows what is going to happen.

A Citizen’s Guide to Judicial Review in Malaysia | Part One

Judicial review is a specific procedure to challenge government decisions, actions or policies. It is an important legal tool and one that citizens should understand

How I approach cases I know my client will lose

We don’t get to pick the clients or the cases. They pick us.