
Islamic Wills and Wills | A Short Comparison

An Islamic Will is different in several respects from a “civil” Will, which I shall refer to as “Will” for ease of reference. I will not be discussing the features of a Will because there is enough literature about it; I will only refer to it for comparative purposes. My purpose here is to provide a short guide contrasting the significant features of a Will and an Islamic Will. A Will is regulated by the …

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‘Sit near the staff.’

My mother insisted on this before I began my pupilage at my father’s firm in 1998. She did not approve of the firm’s arrangement where the bosses, lawyers and pupils sat upstairs near the library whereas the staff – comprised of the receptionist, clerks and dispatch – sat downstairs. “Sit near the staff. There is no one supervising them downstairs. Because of that they do as they like downstairs. Whenever I call the office no …

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 ‘Read around the subject.’

This is an old chestnut from my father. I heard this from college all the way into practice. It is a cliché to me because I have so absorbed it to the point I enjoy reading around a subject more than reading about the subject itself. Some call this procrastination; there have been times I was tempted to agree. This advice has led me to discover delightful warrens of legal esoterica and broaden my horizons. …

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